Weekday Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Date 28 29 30 1 2 3 4  5  6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Games 8 8 8 5 8 8 5 8 8 8 2 8 8 6 8
American Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Oklahoma010010000    241
Knoxville02010006X    9171
W: Jeffrey Richards (3-3) L: Gabriel González (3-1) S: José Herrera (1)
HR - KNO: Clint Stewart (3), Albert Quinn (4)

 123456789    RHE
Round Rock102016023    15112
Iowa040205010    12122
W: Darryl Fields (1-0) L: Ernesto Lozano (0-2)
HR - RR: Steve Twigg (2), Adam Battle 2 (6) IOW: Kevin Bartlett (5), José García (5)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Albuquerque002000010    380
Lincoln000000010    160
W: Luis Gutiérrez (4-1) L: Félix Ojeda (3-2) S: Richard Hall (9)
HR - None

 123456789    RHE
Little Rock100200000    390
Nashville000100000    171
W: Salvador Rojas (2-0) L: Rich Harris (1-5) S: Kent Wilhelm (7)
HR - None
Pacific Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Tucson000100000    150
Oregon00300003X    6120
W: Scott Hodges (4-2) L: Daniel Thompson (0-4) S: Huibert Guldenmond (2)
HR - TUC: Berta Tale (3) ORE: Harvey Williams 2 (4)

 123456789    RHE
Fresno030030000    690
Colorado Springs200010010    470
W: Ramón Quiñones (1-4) L: Paul Taylor (1-3) S: Alvin Álvarez (1)
HR - FRE: Rafael Rico (2) COL: Wilson Torez (2), Elvis Olson (1)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Sacramento200000020    452
Salt Lake City03030050X    11100
W: Tokaji Sato (1-0) L: Jeremy Franco (2-4)
HR - SAC: Derrick Harvey (4) SLC: Derek Gaines (2), Don Moser (6), Pete Knapp 2 (7)

 123456789    RHE
Las Vegas000101100    370
Tacoma100110001    481
W: Matthew Quinn (2-0) L: Francisco Herrera (1-1)
HR - LV: John Stevens (6) TAC: Juan Gonzáles (4)
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