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Date 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  21  22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Games 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 6 6
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Connecticut000001000    150
New Hampshire00040000X    490
W: Robert Spence (1-1) L: Ryan Powell (3-2) S: Sergio Ramírez (5)
HR - CON: Paul Andrews (9) NHA: Kevin Anderson (2)

 123456789    RHE
Akron102200000    5100
Harrisburg002000000    272
W: Juan Rivera (3-0) L: Blake Watts (1-1) S: Esteban Sánchez (4)
HR - AKR: Pete Jackson (3), Owen Lee (1)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Reading000110210    590
Bowie03040000X    7112
W: Wilbur Jackson (3-0) L: Jorge Huerta (2-2) S: Jeremy Aguilar (1)
HR - REA: Luis Martínez (1) BOW: Jay Hall (2)

 123456789    RHE
New Britain010030200    6112
Binghamton03000005X    8110
W: Ray Brown (1-1) L: Javier Sánchez (1-2) S: Jacob Williams (4)
HR - NBR: Rob Marsh (3) BIN: Eric Johnson (6), Jin Sun 2 (3)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Trenton000210030    6101
Altoona03301000X    7111
W: Jared Wall (2-0) L: Ricardo Rodríguez (1-2) S: Chris Allison (5)
HR - TRE: Cory Hodge (3), Ernesto Costellanos (1) ALT: Shawn Jordin (4), Earl Lazzeri (2), Matt Watson (2)

 1234567891011  RHE
Erie00110000000  280
Portland00020000001  391
W: Curt Warner (1-0) L: Pete Albert (2-2)
HR - None
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