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Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Augusta000021030    6110
Hagerstown00102060X    9121
W: Jesús Cooper (5-1) L: Bill Fish (2-3) S: Rodrigo López (10)
HR - AUG: Brian Keith (4) HAG: Juan Conlan (3)

 123456789    RHE
Delmarva101200001    590
Lake County001201002    6123
W: Bart Steger (2-1) L: Bob Bentley (3-3)
HR - DEL: Ricardo Zúñiga (2), Jimmy Stone (10), Martín Blanco (2) LCO: James Floyd (2), Ron Little (1)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Kannapolis000300121    7111
Columbus220010021    8130
W: Jorge Rivas (1-1) L: Ronald Holmes (0-1)
HR - KAN: Victor McGowan (7), Dave Robinson 2 (5) COL: Oliver Durán (3), Arturo Velásquez (4), Darryl Smith (6)

 123456789    RHE
Asheville300002000    5131
Lakewood004000005    9101
W: Flynn O'Neil (1-1) L: Dave Huggins (2-3)
HR - ASH: Ryan Good (3) LAK: Vincent Arnold (2)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 12345678910   RHE
Savannah2110021020   9161
West Virginia0030420001   10130
W: Ramón Mesa (4-1) L: Ric McFadden (0-3)
HR - SAV: Clarence Norton (4), Luis Echevarría (1), Colin Fletcher (6), Rodney Evans (2) CHA: Dave Cox (1), Millard Burton (1)

 123456789    RHE
Rome010000000    150
Hickory010000001    250
W: Brant Moran (1-3) L: Chris Orr (4-3)
HR - None
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Greeneville002001001    480
Greensboro00000312X    6111
W: Guillermo Gómez (1-1) L: António Barrón (0-1) S: David Dillard (4)
HR - GRH: Ray McJannett (1) GRE: Carl Allen (9)

 123456789    RHE
Charleston000000000    021
Lexington10000020X    380
W: Sergio Jiménez (3-2) L: Achille Santopadre (2-2) S: Blair Spens (7)
HR - LEX: Sam Branch (17)
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