Earl Weaver Baseball League

2017 ALDS MVP: Washinton DC v. Omaha

The 2017 Stroh's ALDS MVP Award goes to....











SP JOSE "ALIBI" DE LA GARZA, DC. Round of Applause!


Washington DC was below .500 for much of the season before they finally rose up to an 81-81 record to end their regular season. Clearly no one was willing to give them a shot against the 94 win, Plains Division winner, and modern day powerhouse Omaha Wolverines. DC struck first blood though in Game 1 with a phenomenal pitching performance by Stanton Jenkins. The prevailing sentiment was that, though Game 1 was interesting, it was clearly a fluke and Omaha would rally back strongly. Omaha reaffirmed that sentiment by clearly winning Games 2 and 3 and taking a 2-1 series lead. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, doubts that if if Omaha won Game 4 and took a 3-1 lead that DC would be done for. So who does DC send to the mound for Game 4 but De La Garza, Mr. Postseason himself and longtime Wolverine. In the offseason the Diplomats gave De La Garza a 2 year contract which paid him 27 M and 34 M, however, De La Garza underperformed his contract value in 2017 by posting an 8-15 record with a 4.80 ERA. It was understood by most though that the 27 million was for moments like this. De La Garza marched to the mound and pitched like it was 2007 again. A complete game 3 hit shutout performance against a team with a blistering offense and a history of strong being a strong playoff team. The Game 4 performance turned the tide of the Series, allowing DC to win the final two games and steal the series. Mount this trophy right up next to your 2007 and 2012 Awards, Alibi, and swig some Stroh's while you reflect on your magnificence!


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