Earl Weaver Baseball League

2017 NLDS MVP: Memphis v. Dallas

The 2017 Stroh's NLDS MVP Award goes to....











SP TOM PARRISH, MEM. Round of Applause!!!


Most fans looked upon the Memphis/Dallas series as perhaps the most intriguing of the first round matchups. Loads of EWB fans were backing the historically bad Razorbacks as the feel good story of the year. Yet Dallas boasted the league's best and likely most popular player in William Walker. Oddsmakers had this matchup as the closest with only a slight edge going to Memphis. Parrish had been the Razorback Ace all year long and led the team to the lowest amount of runs scored against in the NL. Taking the mound in Game 1 Parrish breezed by the Brahmas, pitching 6 innings and giving up only 3 hits with 7 K's. The bullpen finished the game out and Memphis won handily 10-0. Memphis looked like they were about to sweep after going up 3-0 in the series but a comeback win for Dallas in Game 4 prevented the brooms from appearing. That meant that Big Tom was going to come out for Game 5. This time Big Tom was even better, going 7 IP, 2 H, 1 R, and 6 K's for his 2nd W of the series and to close out the Dallas Brahmas. Stroh's happily sends a big keg for Parrish to enjoy this offseason. Cheers Big Tom!!!!


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