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American Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Little Rock110112201    9150
Knoxville000000000    010
W: Stewart Williamson (2-0) L: Pedro Morán (1-1)
HR - LR: Brian Walker (1), Young-kwang Yi (1)

 123456789101112 RHE
Lincoln000000210000 390
Round Rock100101000001 480
W: David Moore (2-0) L: Darryl Dunn (0-1)
HR - LIN: Rafael Rivera (1) RR: Ralph Deane (1), Ryan Adams (4)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Oklahoma001110042    9170
Nashville41103020X    11130
W: Afalawas Naeem (2-0) L: Carlos Castillo (0-2) S: Boyd Peters (3)
HR - OKL: Edgardo Guillén (1) NAS: Gerard Gregg 2 (5), Sancho Alonzo (1)

 123456789    RHE
Iowa002000020    470
Albuquerque000010000    142
W: Juan Ordóñez (2-0) L: Luis Gutiérrez (0-1) S: Mike Buckley (3)
HR - ALB: Pat Matthews (1)
Pacific Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Sacramento010024010    890
Oregon000010020    3111
W: Mack Dodson (1-1) L: Hubert Gibbons (0-1)
HR - SAC: Rob Petersen (1)

 123456789    RHE
Salt Lake City000000000    050
Tucson00000101X    261
W: Eric Davis (1-0) L: Jim Williams (0-1) S: Vicente Santos (1)
HR - None
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Las Vegas100103000    5132
Colorado Springs100010100    340
W: Javier Gabriel (2-0) L: Jesús Alvarado (0-2) S: Francisco Herrera (4)
HR - COL: Wilson Torez (1)

 123456789    RHE
Tacoma000001031    572
Fresno010000300    472
W: Jesús Rivera (1-0) L: Shawn Hodges (0-1) S: Brad Rawling (1)
HR - TAC: Mario López (1) FRE: Ryan Smart (1)
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