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Date 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  16  17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Games 8 4 8 8 5 8 8 8 5 8 8 3 8 8 8
American Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Round Rock100000100    263
Knoxville01510110X    9110
W: Javier Vargas (1-1) L: Ed Jones (1-1)
HR - RR: Ryan Adams (5), Adam Battle (3) KNO: Clint Stewart (2), Albert Quinn (3), Will Foster (1)

 123456789    RHE
Lincoln000301001    592
Little Rock001020000    390
W: William Hyde (2-1) L: Stewart Williamson (2-1) S: Luis Gómez (5)
HR - None
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 12345678910   RHE
Oklahoma0001011140   890
Iowa1520000001   9141
W: Carlos Robles (1-0) L: Jim Neal (0-3)
HR - OKL: Bob Spence (1), Cory Walter 2 (6) IOW: Jesús Ramírez (2)

 123456789    RHE
Nashville200400000    671
Albuquerque30110021X    8101
W: Tommy MacGlashan (2-0) L: Henry Hodge (2-1) S: Richard Hall (4)
HR - NAS: Carlos Ochoa (1) ALB: Aubrey King (4)
Pacific Conference
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Tacoma000101310    681
Tucson000000101    280
W: Willis Miller (1-0) L: Eric Davis (1-1)
HR - TAC: Ricardo Pimentel (1), Todd Taylor (2) TUC: Marvin Rogers (1)

 123456789    RHE
Fresno000010200    391
Salt Lake City00021301X    790
W: Jim Williams (1-1) L: Quentin Randolph (0-1) S: Stan Benning (1)
HR - FRE: John Jones (2) SLC: Don Moser (2), Walt Hill (1)
Box Scores | Game Log Box Scores | Game Log

 123456789    RHE
Colorado Springs000001013    5113
Sacramento10900200X    12140
W: Mack Dodson (2-1) L: Paul Taylor (0-1)
HR - SAC: Bill Davidson (3), Derrick Harvey (1), Rob Petersen (3)

 123456789    RHE
Oregon000210100    460
Las Vegas20000112X    6110
W: Joe Swanson (1-0) L: Huibert Guldenmond (0-1) S: Francisco Herrera (5)
HR - ORE: Matt Parkinson (3), Tyler Parker (2)
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