P Brian Johnston #10
Age: 70 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
0 0 0-0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.
Stuff 2 1 2 2
Movement 2 2 2 2
Control 3 3 4 4
Pitch Cur. Pot.
Fastball 2 2
Slider 1 1
Sinker 2 2
Cutter 2 2
Velocity 88-90 Mph
Stamina 7
Suggested Role Strictly BP
Type Extreme Flyball
Hold Runners 7
Defense 1
Running Speed: 2
Stealing Ability: 1
Baserunning Inst.: 1
Sacrifice Bunt: 4
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result Start IP H R ER BB K Dec
Born in:Long Beach, MS
Height:5' 11"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Unknown
National Pop.:Unknown
Signed Through:-
Major Service:16 Years, 29 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:18 Years, 99 Days
Pro Service:24 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:Out of option years
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:1974, 30th Pick in Round 10
1978 St. Louis - EWB 24 6 0 0 0 0 0.00 5.1 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0.94 .250 2.59 0.1 999
1979 St. Louis - EWB 25 9 8 5 2 0 2.06 65.2 57 17 15 3 17 24 2 1 1.13 .247 3.85 1.0 197
1980 St. Louis - EWB 26 19 4 1 0 0 6.23 39.0 48 30 27 3 20 15 0 0 1.74 .317 5.47 -0.3 66
1981 St. Louis - EWB 27 4 4 1 2 0 3.81 26.0 27 11 11 1 9 15 0 0 1.38 .299 3.42 0.5 99
1982 St. Louis - EWB 28 30 30 8 15 0 4.57 204.2 221 122 104 28 49 85 4 1 1.32 .271 4.56 1.4 88
1983 St. Louis - EWB 29 24 24 12 4 0 2.01 175.0 122 43 39 16 45 69 8 6 0.95 .196 4.08 2.1 198
1984 St. Louis - EWB 30 33 33 15 6 0 3.78 230.2 215 107 97 22 53 118 5 1 1.16 .261 3.89 3.3 105
1985 Pittsburgh - EWB 31 32 32 15 13 0 3.72 218.0 217 105 90 28 53 96 5 0 1.24 .260 4.41 1.9 108
1986 Pittsburgh - EWB 32 58 7 7 3 4 3.96 86.1 85 40 38 7 23 63 0 0 1.25 .289 3.23 1.4 100
1987 Carolina - EWB 33 34 34 12 14 0 5.00 232.0 266 133 129 32 75 104 5 1 1.47 .296 4.94 1.8 89
1988 Carolina - EWB 34 35 35 7 25 0 4.87 242.1 257 138 131 29 78 93 12 0 1.38 .271 4.69 0.9 80
1989 Carolina - EWB 35 34 34 9 18 0 5.27 229.0 285 146 134 28 53 91 7 0 1.48 .309 4.49 1.1 73
1990 Carolina - EWB 36 33 33 15 14 0 4.82 218.2 259 135 117 23 56 72 3 0 1.44 .292 4.53 1.5 83
1991 Carolina - EWB 37 42 14 8 7 0 4.77 120.2 155 75 64 15 31 32 1 0 1.54 .308 5.01 -0.2 86
1992 Carolina - EWB 38 25 25 14 7 0 3.66 167.0 160 80 68 9 46 38 1 0 1.23 .255 3.95 1.9 104
1993 Carolina - EWB 39 32 32 10 13 0 4.78 199.2 228 117 106 16 57 55 1 1 1.43 .295 4.61 2.2 92
1994 Carolina - EWB 40 28 19 7 9 0 5.90 122.0 159 92 80 19 36 30 1 0 1.60 .300 5.87 0.0 81
1995 Carolina - EWB 41 37 13 6 10 1 5.76 118.2 154 87 76 14 38 43 0 0 1.62 .321 5.00 0.6 80
1996 Brooklyn - EWB 42 9 1 0 2 0 6.35 17.0 25 13 12 3 5 6 0 0 1.76 .355 5.66 -0.1 75
1996 New Orleans - EWB 42 4 0 0 0 0 21.60 3.1 9 8 8 2 2 3 0 0 3.30 .500 12.07 -0.3 22
1996 Total - EWB 42 13 1 0 2 0 8.85 20.1 34 21 20 5 7 9 0 0 2.02 .382 6.71 -0.3 54
Total EWB 528 382 152 164 5 4.45 2721.0 2953 1499 1346 298 747 1055 55 11 1.36 .280 4.51 20.8 101
1974 Johnson City - R 20 22 22 12 6 0 3.30 158.1 161 65 58 4 45 73 3 0 1.30 .290 3.78 2.5 121
1975 Jupiter (STL) - R 21 11 11 8 0 0 2.43 77.2 73 23 21 1 15 37 2 0 1.13 .281 3.31 1.6 158
1976 La Vista - A 22 17 17 6 6 0 4.44 119.2 125 70 59 5 37 69 4 0 1.35 .302 3.87 2.2 96
1976 Palm Beach - A 22 20 20 10 7 0 3.71 155.1 138 72 64 10 43 91 6 2 1.17 .258 4.05 2.3 112
1976 Total - A 22 37 37 16 13 0 4.03 275.0 263 142 123 15 80 160 10 2 1.25 .277 0.00 0.0 0
1977 Springfield - AA 23 26 26 14 6 0 3.12 208.0 185 79 72 8 39 126 6 1 1.08 .267 3.58 4.5 135
1977 Knoxville - AAA 23 16 15 6 4 0 2.94 98.0 95 37 32 5 22 54 4 0 1.19 .287 3.77 1.7 139
1978 Knoxville - AAA 24 26 26 11 11 0 3.79 197.0 186 89 83 8 60 114 10 2 1.25 .283 3.96 3.2 111
1979 Knoxville - AAA 25 18 18 9 6 0 4.79 118.1 128 68 63 7 30 75 5 3 1.34 .312 4.16 1.7 88
1980 Knoxville - AAA 26 12 12 6 3 0 4.15 99.2 98 49 46 9 28 56 5 1 1.26 .276 4.80 0.8 104
1981 Knoxville - AAA 27 28 28 13 11 0 4.81 200.1 211 113 107 14 69 117 10 2 1.40 .304 4.56 3.0 98
1996 Norfolk - AAA 42 27 0 3 1 3 6.61 31.1 50 30 23 6 6 16 0 0 1.79 .364 6.12 -0.2 78
1997 Montgomery - AA 43 22 0 3 2 2 3.55 25.1 24 16 10 1 15 7 0 0 1.54 .258 4.89 -0.2 116
1997 Durham - AAA 43 28 0 3 2 0 4.21 36.1 36 17 17 2 6 10 0 0 1.16 .266 3.75 0.4 101
1998 Durham - AAA 44 49 0 1 2 2 4.45 64.2 86 38 32 10 22 18 0 0 1.67 .308 5.48 -0.7 97
Total IL 104 0 7 5 5 4.90 132.1 172 85 72 18 34 44 0 0 1.56 .310 5.16 93.7
Total PCL 100 99 45 35 0 4.18 713.1 718 356 331 43 209 416 34 8 1.30 .293 4.25 106.3
Total SL 22 0 3 2 2 3.55 25.1 24 16 10 1 15 7 0 0 1.54 .258 4.89 116.1
Total TEX 26 26 14 6 0 3.12 208.0 185 79 72 8 39 126 6 1 1.08 .267 3.58 134.9
Total FLO 20 20 10 7 0 3.71 155.1 138 72 64 10 43 91 6 2 1.17 .258 4.05 111.9
Total NEB 17 17 6 6 0 4.44 119.2 125 70 59 5 37 69 4 0 1.35 .302 3.87 96.3
Total APP 22 22 12 6 0 3.30 158.1 161 65 58 4 45 73 3 0 1.30 .290 3.78 120.8
Total GCL 11 11 8 0 0 2.43 77.2 73 23 21 1 15 37 2 0 1.13 .281 3.31 157.9
1984 St. Louis - EWB 30 1 1 0 1 0 4.00 9.0 11 4 4 1 2 5 1 0 1.44 .323 0.00 0.0 0
1995 Carolina - EWB 41 2 0 0 0 0 8.10 3.1 9 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 2.70 .529 0.00 0.0 0
1996 New Orleans - EWB 42 1 0 0 0 0 4.50 2.0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 .000 0.00 0.0 0
Total EWB 4 1 0 1 0 5.02 14.1 20 9 8 1 4 7 1 0 1.67 .358 3.81 90.1
1978 St. Louis - MLB P 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 5.1 0.00 -0.0 .000
1979 St. Louis - MLB P 9 8 1 11 1 13 1 .923 65.2 1.64 -0.1 .000
1980 St. Louis - MLB P 19 4 1 2 0 3 0 1.000 39.0 0.69 -0.2 .000
1981 St. Louis - MLB P 4 4 1 4 0 5 0 1.000 26.0 1.73 -0.1 .000
1982 St. Louis - MLB P 30 30 15 29 3 44 0 1.000 204.2 1.93 -1.0 .000
1983 St. Louis - MLB P 24 24 6 23 0 29 0 1.000 175.0 1.49 -0.7 .000
1984 St. Louis - MLB P 33 33 11 31 0 42 0 1.000 230.2 1.64 -1.2 .000
1985 Pittsburgh - MLB P 32 32 7 28 2 39 4 .897 218.0 1.44 -0.7 .000
1986 Pittsburgh - MLB P 58 7 4 6 0 11 1 .909 86.1 1.04 -0.3 .000
1987 Carolina - MLB P 34 34 17 30 0 49 2 .959 232.0 1.82 -0.6 .000
1988 Carolina - MLB P 35 35 12 25 1 41 4 .902 242.1 1.37 -0.9 .000
1989 Carolina - MLB P 34 34 11 19 2 32 2 .938 229.0 1.18 -1.2 .000
1990 Carolina - MLB P 33 33 11 26 3 38 1 .974 218.2 1.52 -1.3 .000
1991 Carolina - MLB P 42 14 9 19 3 28 0 1.000 120.2 2.09 -0.4 .000
1992 Carolina - MLB P 25 25 9 25 1 34 0 1.000 167.0 1.83 -0.3 .000
1993 Carolina - MLB P 32 32 13 34 2 50 3 .940 199.2 2.12 +0.1 .000
1994 Carolina - MLB P 28 19 6 20 0 27 1 .963 122.0 1.92 +0.2 .000
1995 Carolina - MLB P 37 13 7 8 0 16 1 .938 118.2 1.14 +0.1 .000
1996 Brooklyn - MLB P 9 1 0 5 0 5 0 1.000 17.0 2.65 +0.0 .000
1996 New Orleans - MLB P 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 3.1 2.70 +0.0 .000
TOTAL P 528 382 142 345 18 507 20 .961 2721.0 1.61 -8.7 .000
03/01/1974 Drafted in the 1974 first-year player draft (Round 10, Pick 30, 300th overall Pick) by the St. Louis Savages.
04/30/1974 Injured (torn bicep muscle), out for 2-3 months.
08/10/1974 Injured (strained bicep tendon), out for 2 weeks.
10/03/1974 Won the 1974 Appalachian League Appalachian League Championship with the Johnson City Moose!
01/01/1975 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 2 (4); Control: 2 (4).
04/29/1975 Injured (back spasms), out for 1-2 weeks.
05/01/1975 Wins the GCL Pitcher of the Month Award.
05/21/1975 Injured (fractured elbow), out for 8 months.
01/01/1976 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 2 (4).
04/21/1976 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Fort Myers Millers with 3 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
04/25/1976 Pitches a NO-HITTER against the Clearwater Evaders with 4 strikeouts and 6 BB allowed!
05/14/1976 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Daytona Alpines with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/20/1976 Was selected to the 1976 Florida State League All-Star Game.
07/09/1976 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1977 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 2 (3).
07/09/1977 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the San Antonio Magicians with 4 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/10/1977 Was selected to the 1977 Texas League All-Star Game.
09/21/1977 Injured (strained bicep tendon), day-to-day for 2 weeks.
10/09/1977 Won the 1977 Texas League TL Championship with the Springfield Impulse!
01/01/1978 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 3 (3).
05/31/1978 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Salt Lake City Mission with 4 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
07/25/1978 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Round Rock Wart Hogs with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/06/1978 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
09/07/1978 Injured (tender shoulder), out for 3 weeks.
01/01/1979 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 3 (3).
04/07/1979 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Iowa Fever with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
04/18/1979 Injured (tender elbow), out for 1-2 weeks.
06/10/1979 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Iowa Fever with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/24/1979 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Nashville Turmoil with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/28/1979 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Pittsburgh Crusaders with 1 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
11/20/1979 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $76,458 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1980 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 3 (3).
08/25/1980 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Little Rock Desperados with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
01/01/1981 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (1); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
07/07/1981 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Nashville Turmoil with 5 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/27/1981 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Round Rock Wart Hogs with 6 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
10/23/1981 Won the 1981 Pacific Coast League PCL Championship with the Knoxville Jaguars!
01/01/1982 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 3 (4).
07/31/1982 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the San Antonio Aztecas with 4 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
11/22/1982 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $97,087 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1983 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
04/25/1983 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Cincinnati Rebels with 5 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/05/1983 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Dallas Brahmas with 3 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/18/1983 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the New York 5 Points with 1 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/26/1983 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the El Paso Iron Horses with 3 strikeouts and 3 BB allowed!
08/08/1983 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Indianapolis Black Jacks with 7 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/21/1983 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Houston Black Gold with 4 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
09/16/1983 Injured (tender shoulder), out for 1-2 weeks.
11/15/1983 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $454,710 through arbitration.
01/01/1984 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
07/02/1984 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Washington D.C. Diplomats with 6 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
10/27/1984 Was traded by the St. Louis Savages to the Pittsburgh Crusaders, along with RF C. Myers, in exchange for 1B D. O'Connor.
11/13/1984 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $687,600 through arbitration.
01/01/1985 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
04/24/1985 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
11/15/1985 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $1,036,000 through arbitration.
01/01/1986 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
11/20/1986 Became a free agent.
01/01/1987 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
01/08/1987 Signed a 2-year contract worth a total of $3,910,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
01/01/1988 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
03/10/1988 Signed a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $5,865,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
01/01/1989 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
01/01/1990 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
03/10/1990 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1991 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
06/05/1991 Signed a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $6,430,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
01/01/1992 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
05/23/1992 Injured (dead arm syndrome), out for 1-2 weeks.
08/23/1992 Injured (tender elbow), out for 1-2 weeks.
09/28/1992 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1993 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
05/18/1993 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $370,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
07/03/1993 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Minneapolis Mutiny with 3 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/30/1993 Injured (back spasms), out for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1994 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
05/04/1994 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $370,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
08/21/1994 Injured (tender elbow), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1995 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 2 (3); Control: 4 (4).
03/26/1995 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $370,000 with the Carolina Colonials organization.
01/01/1996 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 2 (2); Movement: 2 (3); Control: 4 (4).
03/16/1996 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $370,000 with the Brooklyn Barons organization.
03/17/1996 Injured (acute elbow soreness), out for 6-7 weeks.
07/20/1996 Injured (sore shoulder), out for 2 weeks.
09/10/1996 Got claimed off waivers by New Orleans while with Brooklyn.
01/01/1997 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 2 (3); Control: 4 (4).
03/31/1997 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $381,100 with the New Orleans Dukes organization.
06/09/1997 Injured (mild calf strain), day-to-day for 3 days.
01/01/1998 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (2); Movement: 2 (3); Control: 3 (4).
06/20/1998 Injured (mild calf strain), day-to-day for 6 days.
06/25/1998 Injured (strained back), day-to-day for 3 days.
10/07/1998 Retired from professional baseball.
Year SH Rank
1983 18 4
Year GS Rank
1988 35 1
Year W Rank
1992 14 10
Year L Rank
1988 25 1
1989 18 6
Year Win. % Rank
1983 .750 3
1984 .714 5
1992 .667 4
Year IP Rank
1988 242.1 10
Year BF Rank
1988 1050 8
Year HRA Rank
1982 28 8
1985 28 6
1988 29 8
1989 28 8
Year ERA Rank
1983 2.01 2
Year BABIP Rank
1983 .198 1
1992 .257 3
Year WHIP Rank
1983 0.95 2
1984 1.16 10
Year RA/9 Rank
1983 8.74 2
Year H/9 Rank
1983 6.27 1
Year BB/9 Rank
1982 2.15 10
1984 2.07 5
1985 2.19 7
1989 2.08 6
1990 2.30 4
1992 2.48 9
Year QSP Rank
1983 .792 2
Year CG Rank
1983 8 3
1988 12 2
Year CGP Rank
1983 .333 5
1988 .343 5
Year SHO Rank
1982 1 10
1983 6 1
1984 1 7
1987 1 8
1993 1 2
1994 0 10
Sunday, March 15th, 2020 - OOTP Baseball 20.8 Build 74