P Michael Bowden #47
Age: 66 | Bats: R | Throws: L | Morale: Normal
0 0 0-0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.
Stuff 3 3 3 3
Movement 2 2 2 2
Control 3 3 3 3
Pitch Cur. Pot.
Fastball 3 3
Changeup 4 4
Splitter 2 2
Cutter 3 3
Velocity 91-93 Mph
Stamina 6
Suggested Role BP/Emergency SP
Type Extreme Flyball
Hold Runners 9
Defense 1
Running Speed: 3
Stealing Ability: 5
Baserunning Inst.: 5
Sacrifice Bunt: 7
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result Start IP H R ER BB K Dec
Born in:New York, NY
Height:6' 6"
Weight:210 lbs
Local Popularity:Extremely Popular
National Pop.:Very Popular
Signed Through:-
Major Service:20 Years, 128 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:20 Years, 128 Days
Pro Service:24 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:1976, 2nd Pick in Round 2
1980 El Paso - EWB 22 23 23 8 5 0 3.32 138.1 127 57 51 5 61 123 0 0 1.36 .306 3.24 3.2 120
1981 El Paso - EWB 23 25 25 10 6 0 3.01 161.1 129 55 54 8 56 140 0 0 1.15 .281 2.81 4.1 121
1982 El Paso - EWB 24 32 32 12 9 0 2.68 211.2 169 75 63 14 75 202 1 0 1.15 .273 2.82 6.1 146
1983 El Paso - EWB 25 33 33 13 5 0 1.84 219.2 155 55 45 11 44 219 1 1 0.91 .254 2.16 8.5 209
1984 El Paso - EWB 26 33 33 20 7 0 2.09 224.1 178 58 52 10 43 238 1 0 0.99 .287 1.95 9.5 184
1985 El Paso - EWB 27 35 35 20 8 0 2.18 255.2 203 67 62 14 61 254 4 1 1.03 .279 2.28 9.6 179
1986 El Paso - EWB 28 35 35 18 9 0 2.70 240.0 185 79 72 15 57 236 2 0 1.01 .269 2.56 7.7 142
1987 El Paso - EWB 29 35 35 13 10 0 3.03 243.1 193 87 82 21 62 248 2 0 1.05 .272 2.89 7.9 141
1988 El Paso - EWB 30 35 35 18 7 0 2.48 243.0 208 74 67 9 52 216 4 3 1.07 .288 2.34 8.4 152
1989 El Paso - EWB 31 33 33 9 9 0 2.71 215.2 188 77 65 11 44 188 2 1 1.08 .286 2.48 6.8 136
1990 Dallas - EWB 32 34 34 21 8 0 2.46 241.1 199 79 66 16 53 229 4 1 1.04 .276 2.65 7.9 164
1991 Dallas - EWB 33 35 35 13 12 0 3.38 242.0 218 102 91 19 46 218 4 0 1.09 .291 2.79 7.7 122
1992 Dallas - EWB 34 35 35 9 18 0 3.38 224.0 223 106 84 18 53 202 2 0 1.23 .318 2.76 6.4 114
1993 Dallas - EWB 35 33 33 13 8 0 3.57 214.1 206 88 85 16 50 184 1 0 1.19 .304 3.18 6.3 124
1994 Chicago - EWB 36 24 24 11 3 0 3.75 146.1 133 64 61 22 41 120 1 0 1.19 .273 4.60 2.3 129
1995 Washington - EWB 37 28 28 14 6 0 2.63 188.0 163 63 55 14 34 191 3 1 1.05 .294 2.70 7.1 174
1996 Washington - EWB 38 33 33 19 5 0 3.30 218.0 194 96 80 29 23 209 0 0 1.00 .274 3.65 5.8 143
1997 Washington - EWB 39 27 27 18 3 0 2.61 196.1 169 67 57 11 37 167 5 3 1.05 .279 3.08 6.8 182
1998 Washington - EWB 40 1 1 0 0 0 6.75 2.2 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.13 .273 3.10 0.1 66
1999 Washington - EWB 41 18 18 8 7 0 5.69 104.1 123 70 66 14 38 91 0 0 1.54 .343 4.75 1.9 92
2000 Washington - EWB 42 20 10 3 4 0 5.96 68.0 85 47 45 16 34 45 1 0 1.75 .315 6.20 -0.7 73
Total EWB 607 597 270 149 0 2.94 3998.1 3451 1468 1305 293 964 3720 38 11 1.10 .286 2.89 123.5 147
1976 Casper - R 18 23 23 5 13 0 5.07 145.2 189 91 82 4 58 78 0 0 1.70 .351 4.07 2.0 80
1976 Tri-City - S A 18 13 13 4 5 0 4.90 79.0 82 45 43 5 39 48 2 0 1.53 .298 4.58 0.3 78
1977 Asheville - A 19 1 1 0 0 0 0.00 3.1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0.90 .182 3.86 0.1 999
1977 Modesto - A 19 28 28 14 6 0 3.58 178.1 182 73 71 6 53 143 0 0 1.32 .317 3.63 3.5 115
1977 Total - A 19 29 29 14 6 0 3.52 181.2 184 73 71 6 54 144 0 0 1.31 .314 0.00 0.0 0
1978 Asheville - A 20 12 12 3 6 0 6.07 69.2 74 50 47 9 38 80 2 0 1.61 .339 4.81 0.4 69
1978 Tulsa - AA 20 9 6 2 3 1 5.32 44.0 43 26 26 7 20 54 1 0 1.43 .340 4.45 0.4 79
1979 Colorado Springs - AAA 21 38 38 17 8 0 2.78 246.1 145 90 76 11 116 287 3 2 1.06 .236 3.20 6.2 147
Total PCL 38 38 17 8 0 2.78 246.1 145 90 76 11 116 287 3 2 1.06 .236 3.20 146.9
Total TEX 9 6 2 3 1 5.32 44.0 43 26 26 7 20 54 1 0 1.43 .340 4.45 79.0
Total CAL 28 28 14 6 0 3.58 178.1 182 73 71 6 53 143 0 0 1.32 .317 3.63 115.5
Total SOU 13 13 3 6 0 5.79 73.0 76 50 47 9 39 81 2 0 1.58 .330 4.77 111.1
Total NWL 13 13 4 5 0 4.90 79.0 82 45 43 5 39 48 2 0 1.53 .298 4.58 78.3
Total PIO 23 23 5 13 0 5.07 145.2 189 91 82 4 58 78 0 0 1.70 .351 4.07 80.4
1981 El Paso - EWB 23 1 1 0 1 0 6.43 7.0 6 5 5 2 5 4 0 0 1.57 .200 0.00 0.0 0
1982 El Paso - EWB 24 2 2 1 0 0 2.63 13.2 8 4 4 3 4 15 0 0 0.88 .172 0.00 0.0 0
1984 El Paso - EWB 26 1 1 0 0 0 1.35 6.2 6 1 1 0 3 10 0 0 1.35 .375 0.00 0.0 0
1986 El Paso - EWB 28 4 4 3 1 0 4.55 27.2 24 14 14 3 6 26 0 0 1.08 .284 0.00 0.0 0
1988 El Paso - EWB 30 3 3 1 2 0 4.64 21.1 16 11 11 3 6 22 1 0 1.03 .241 0.00 0.0 0
1990 Dallas - EWB 32 7 7 4 1 0 2.26 51.2 31 13 13 4 10 49 1 0 0.79 .200 0.00 0.0 0
1996 Washington - EWB 38 2 2 0 2 0 10.57 7.2 15 9 9 1 1 8 0 0 2.09 .500 0.00 0.0 0
1997 Washington - EWB 39 3 3 1 1 0 5.29 17.0 22 11 10 2 7 11 0 0 1.71 .339 0.00 0.0 0
Total EWB 23 23 10 8 0 3.95 152.2 128 68 67 18 42 145 2 0 1.11 .265 3.46 127.6
1980 El Paso - MLB P 23 23 5 22 1 29 2 .931 138.1 1.76 -0.6 .000
1981 El Paso - MLB P 25 25 6 20 1 27 1 .963 161.1 1.45 -0.8 .000
1981 El Paso - MLB 2B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1982 El Paso - MLB P 32 32 5 25 2 35 5 .857 211.2 1.28 -1.0 .000
1983 El Paso - MLB P 33 33 9 28 0 42 5 .881 219.2 1.52 -0.9 .000
1984 El Paso - MLB P 33 33 11 21 2 34 2 .941 224.1 1.28 -1.1 .000
1985 El Paso - MLB P 35 35 8 37 2 46 1 .978 255.2 1.58 -0.8 .000
1986 El Paso - MLB P 35 35 14 32 2 51 5 .902 240.0 1.73 -0.9 .000
1987 El Paso - MLB P 35 35 10 23 1 35 2 .943 243.1 1.22 -0.7 .000
1988 El Paso - MLB P 35 35 21 24 1 48 3 .938 243.0 1.67 -0.9 .000
1989 El Paso - MLB P 33 33 7 28 1 40 5 .875 215.2 1.46 -1.1 .000
1989 El Paso - MLB LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.1 0.00 0.0 .000
1990 Dallas - MLB P 34 34 14 30 2 46 2 .957 241.1 1.64 -1.4 .000
1991 Dallas - MLB P 35 35 10 28 3 40 2 .950 242.0 1.41 -0.9 .000
1991 Dallas - MLB 2B 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 .500 5.2 1.59 0.0 .000
1992 Dallas - MLB P 35 35 13 35 1 54 6 .889 224.0 1.93 -0.3 .000
1992 Dallas - MLB LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.2 0.00 0.0 .000
1993 Dallas - MLB P 33 33 4 27 0 33 2 .939 214.1 1.30 +0.1 .000
1994 Chicago - MLB P 24 24 4 14 4 19 1 .947 146.1 1.11 +0.3 .000
1995 Washington - MLB P 28 28 7 16 2 26 3 .885 188.0 1.10 +0.2 .000
1996 Washington - MLB P 33 33 14 19 1 36 3 .917 218.0 1.36 +0.0 .000
1997 Washington - MLB P 27 27 17 22 1 41 2 .951 196.1 1.79 +0.3 .994
1998 Washington - MLB P 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 2.2 3.38 +0.0 1.019
1999 Washington - MLB P 18 18 6 10 0 17 1 .941 104.1 1.38 +0.4 1.027
2000 Washington - MLB P 20 10 3 4 0 9 2 .778 68.0 0.93 -0.5 .869
TOTAL P 607 597 188 466 27 709 55 .922 3998.1 1.47 -10.8 .988
TOTAL 2B 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 .500 7.2 1.17 0.0 .000
TOTAL LF 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
03/01/1976 Drafted in the 1976 first-year player draft (Round 2, Pick 2, 32nd overall Pick) by the El Paso Iron Horses.
06/11/1976 Injured (strained back muscle), out for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1977 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 1 (3); Movement: 3 (5); Control: 1 (4).
05/28/1977 Injured (back spasms), out for 1-2 weeks.
06/12/1977 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), out for 1-2 weeks.
06/20/1977 Was selected to the 1977 California League All-Star Game.
08/28/1977 Injured (ruptured ulnar collateral ligament (elbow)), out for 11 months.
01/01/1978 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 3 (4); Control: 1 (3).
08/26/1978 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), out for 1-2 weeks.
01/01/1979 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 3 (4); Control: 1 (4).
05/25/1979 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
06/21/1979 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Albuquerque Monsoons with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/08/1979 Was selected to the 1979 Pacific Coast League All-Star Game.
08/07/1979 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Oklahoma Fisher Cats with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/01/1979 Wins the PCL AC Pitcher of the Month Award.
10/17/1979 Won the 1979 Pacific Coast League PCL Championship with the Colorado Springs Nationals!
10/29/1979 Wins the 1979 PCL AC Outstanding Pitcher Award.
01/01/1980 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 2 (4).
03/09/1980 Injured (torn back muscle), out for 3 months.
09/22/1980 Injured (back spasms), out for 5-6 weeks.
11/29/1980 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $83,202 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1981 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 3 (4).
07/24/1981 Injured (damaged meniscus (knee)), out for 7-8 weeks.
09/25/1981 Injured (back spasms), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
11/19/1981 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $93,310 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1982 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 5 (5); Control: 4 (4).
06/10/1982 Injured (strained back muscle), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
07/02/1982 Injured (dead arm syndrome), out for 2 weeks.
08/18/1982 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
11/22/1982 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $97,087 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1983 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
05/19/1983 Injured (tender shoulder), out for 1-2 weeks.
06/10/1983 Signed a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $7,434,000 with the El Paso Iron Horses organization.
08/22/1983 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Austin Marshalls with 7 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
01/01/1984 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 3 (4).
06/20/1984 Was selected to the 1984 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/30/1984 Injured (finger blister), out for 1-2 weeks.
11/05/1984 Wins the 1984 EWB NL Bob Gibson Award.
01/01/1985 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 5 (5); Control: 4 (4).
06/19/1985 Was selected to the 1985 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/24/1985 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Indianapolis Black Jacks with 13 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/01/1985 Wins the EWB NL Pitcher of the Month Award.
11/07/1985 Wins the 1985 EWB NL Bob Gibson Award.
12/08/1985 Signed a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $10,305,000 with the El Paso Iron Horses organization.
01/01/1986 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
10/27/1986 Won the 1986 Earl Weaver Baseball League World Series with the El Paso Iron Horses!
01/01/1987 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
06/24/1987 Was selected to the 1987 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
01/01/1988 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
04/18/1988 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Cincinnati Rebels with 7 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
05/09/1988 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Montreal Knights with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/09/1988 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Indianapolis Black Jacks with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
01/01/1989 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
04/02/1989 Injured (back spasms), out for 1-2 weeks.
08/31/1989 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Pittsburgh Crusaders with 3 strikeouts and 4 BB allowed!
11/16/1989 Became a free agent.
12/09/1989 Signed a 4-year contract worth a total of $32,430,000 with the Dallas Brahmas organization.
01/01/1990 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
06/20/1990 Was selected to the 1990 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/12/1990 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Cleveland Rockers with 10 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/26/1990 Won the 1990 Earl Weaver Baseball League World Series with the Dallas Brahmas!
01/01/1991 SISA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
08/01/1991 Wins the EWB NL Pitcher of the Month Award.
01/01/1992 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
01/01/1993 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
06/05/1993 Injured (finger blister), out for 1-2 weeks.
11/18/1993 Became a free agent.
01/01/1994 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
02/02/1994 Signed a 3-year contract worth a total of $33,330,000 with the Chicago Samurai organization.
03/09/1994 Injured (torn rotator cuff muscle), out for 3 months.
06/18/1994 Earns his 200th career Earl Weaver Baseball League victory!
07/06/1994 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 2 weeks.
09/12/1994 Collects his 3000th career Earl Weaver Baseball League strikeout!
01/01/1995 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
02/02/1995 Was traded by the Chicago Samurai to the Washington Admirals in exchange for LF P. Sims.
02/03/1995 Was traded by the Chicago Samurai to the Washington Admirals in exchange for LF P. Sims.
04/29/1995 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Las Vegas Renegades with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
05/09/1995 Strikes out 16 against the Chicago Samurai.
06/21/1995 Was selected to the 1995 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/24/1995 Injured (torn back muscle), out for 2-3 months.
01/01/1996 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 5 (5).
01/20/1996 Injured (undisclosed injury), out for 2 weeks.
06/19/1996 Was selected to the 1996 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/06/1996 Signed a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $8,500,000 with the Washington Admirals organization.
01/01/1997 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 4 (4); Movement: 4 (4); Control: 4 (4).
03/13/1997 Injured (calf strain), out for 3-4 weeks.
05/31/1997 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Portland Fog Devils with 7 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/12/1997 Earns his 250th career Earl Weaver Baseball League victory!
06/12/1997 Collects his 3500th career Earl Weaver Baseball League strikeout!
06/27/1997 Injured (mild calf strain), day-to-day for 4 days.
07/02/1997 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Minneapolis Mutiny with 3 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/11/1997 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Miami Banditos with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/13/1997 Was selected to the 1997 Earl Weaver Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/01/1997 Wins the EWB AL Pitcher of the Month Award.
08/04/1997 Injured (bone chips (elbow)), out for 7 weeks.
10/08/1997 Injured (mild hamstring strain), day-to-day for 3 days.
01/01/1998 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
01/15/1998 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $5,065,000 with the Washington Admirals organization.
03/11/1998 Injured (surgery to remove bone chips (elbow)), out for 4-5 months.
07/11/1998 Injured (partially torn ulnar collateral ligament (elbow)), out for 6 months.
01/01/1999 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 4 (4).
01/30/1999 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $11,550,000 with the Washington Admirals organization.
04/11/1999 Injured (shoulder inflammation), out for 3-4 months.
08/20/1999 Injured (back spasms), day-to-day for 2 days.
08/31/1999 Injured (finger blister), day-to-day for 2 days.
01/01/2000 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 3 (3); Movement: 3 (3); Control: 3 (3).
05/14/2000 Injured (back tightness), day-to-day for 3 days.
05/21/2000 Injured (shoulder inflammation), out for 4 months.
11/03/2000 Retired from professional baseball.
Year SH Rank
1985 20 1
1987 18 3
Year GS Rank
1985 35 4
1986 35 3
1987 35 3
1988 35 5
1990 34 10
1991 35 4
1992 35 2
Year W Rank
1984 20 1
1985 20 1
1986 18 3
1988 18 1
1990 21 3
1996 19 1
1997 18 2
Year L Rank
1992 18 1
Year Win. % Rank
1983 .722 4
1984 .741 3
1985 .714 2
1986 .667 4
1988 .720 4
1990 .724 4
1993 .619 9
1995 .700 7
1996 .792 1
1997 .857 1
Year IP Rank
1985 255.2 3
1987 243.1 6
1991 242.0 4
1993 214.1 5
1996 218.0 6
Year BF Rank
1985 1020 7
1991 978 5
1993 887 7
Year K Rank
1982 202 5
1983 219 3
1984 238 1
1985 254 1
1986 236 3
1987 248 2
1988 216 6
1989 188 10
1990 229 2
1991 218 3
1992 202 4
1993 184 4
1995 191 6
1996 209 4
1997 167 10
Year WP Rank
1985 10 6
1996 10 4
Year ERA Rank
1982 2.68 6
1983 1.84 1
1984 2.09 1
1985 2.18 2
1986 2.70 4
1988 2.48 5
1989 2.71 4
1990 2.46 3
1995 2.63 1
1996 3.30 3
1997 2.61 2
Year BABIP Rank
1983 .256 6
1996 .276 3
1997 .282 6
Year WHIP Rank
1982 1.15 10
1983 0.91 1
1984 0.99 2
1985 1.03 2
1986 1.01 2
1987 1.05 3
1988 1.07 8
1989 1.08 2
1990 1.04 3
1991 1.09 1
1993 1.19 10
1995 1.05 1
1996 1.00 1
1997 1.05 1
Year K/BB Rank
1982 2.69 9
1983 4.98 1
1984 5.53 1
1985 4.16 1
1986 4.14 1
1987 4.00 5
1988 4.15 4
1989 4.27 1
1990 4.32 2
1991 4.74 1
1992 3.81 2
1993 3.68 7
1995 5.62 1
1996 9.09 1
1997 4.51 1
Year RA/9 Rank
1983 8.24 1
1984 8.91 1
1985 9.43 2
1986 9.53 3
1987 9.58 3
1988 9.89 8
1989 9.81 1
1990 9.58 3
1991 9.89 1
1993 11.00 10
1995 9.53 1
1996 9.41 1
1997 9.86 1
Year HR/9 Rank
1983 0.45 5
1984 0.40 6
1985 0.49 8
1986 0.56 9
1988 0.33 6
1989 0.46 9
1995 0.67 10
1997 0.50 3
Year H/9 Rank
1982 7.19 4
1983 6.35 2
1984 7.14 3
1985 7.15 5
1986 6.94 5
1987 7.14 4
1990 7.42 5
1995 7.80 4
1996 8.01 3
1997 7.75 3
Year BB/9 Rank
1983 1.80 6
1984 1.73 3
1985 2.15 4
1986 2.14 7
1987 2.29 10
1988 1.93 7
1989 1.84 5
1990 1.98 4
1991 1.71 1
1992 2.13 8
1993 2.10 10
1995 1.63 1
1996 0.95 1
1997 1.70 1
Year K/9 Rank
1982 8.59 2
1983 8.97 3
1984 9.55 1
1985 8.94 7
1986 8.85 4
1987 9.17 4
1988 8.00 8
1989 7.85 6
1990 8.54 6
1991 8.11 6
1992 8.12 4
1993 7.73 6
1995 9.14 5
1997 7.66 9
Year QS Rank
1982 24 6
1983 27 1
1984 26 3
1985 29 1
1986 26 4
1987 29 1
1988 30 1
1990 26 4
1991 23 9
1992 24 7
1993 22 4
1995 20 4
1996 22 2
1997 17 6
Year QSP Rank
1982 .750 4
1983 .818 1
1984 .788 2
1985 .829 1
1986 .743 4
1987 .829 2
1988 .857 1
1990 .765 3
1993 .667 3
1995 .714 1
1996 .667 2
1997 .630 2
Year CG Rank
1991 4 3
1993 1 7
1995 3 5
1997 5 3
Year CGP Rank
1991 .114 7
1995 .107 6
1997 .185 2
Year SHO Rank
1983 1 8
1988 3 2
1994 0 10
1995 1 8
1997 3 1
1998 0 10
1999 0 5
Sunday, March 15th, 2020 - OOTP Baseball 20.8 Build 74